About & Work

I'm Martin. I live in Prague (Czechia).

My first paid task was writing a PHP web framework 15 years ago. I still experiment, write libraries and apps, and create designs for my clients — mostly in Rust.

I enjoy spicy food, poppy seed strudels, smaller towns, one-on-one conversations, and remote work. I'm not a fan of daily meetings or inflexible working hours.

I've jumped off a bridge and out of a plane. Programmed hardware and software for a football launcher. Received a grant to work on the FastWave project for a year. Used to lift weights; now, I lift toys.

In my free time, I create the Boon language, maintain the MoonZoon framework, write a platform for freelancers and open-source devs, or play with my daughter. I've composed a song for guitar. Unfortunately, my hands are too small and I can't really play guitar.

Questions ▷"hey martin, I want to ..."

Martin in Trondheim With my little project in Trondheim 2024. She'll speak Czech, English, Norwegian, Boon and Rust (optional).

Boon Lang

Boon Playground

Boon is a language for writing apps.

  • Declarative, statically-typed, based on Rust streams.
  • The runtime remembers its values, enabling website hot-reloading and state persistence (replacing databases) as built-in features.
  • No locks in the runtime, allowing even easy multi-threaded web frontend development.
  • will be the first web app written in Boon.
  • The playground is written using the Rust MoonZoon framework and integrates CodeMirror editor.
  • Use cases: Everywhere Rust may not be well-suited.

The goal is to answer these questions:

  • "How simple can a useful language be?"
  • "Can databases, file storage, threads, and protocols be used transparently?"
  • "Can we kill an app and then later resume it?"
  • "Can an app be monitored or partly developed like in factory automation games?"

Designs (Figma)

FastWave (Figma)

Neobrutalism (Figma)

Designed in Figma, Affinity Designer, or Penpot